Sameer Shah
Yes, it is a tremendous photographic challenge. There is nothing quite as thrilling in nature photography as taking good pictures of flying birds.
It gives me a real pleasure to truly communicate in my photographs the essence of what birds are all about.....flight!

Sameer Shah

Bird in Flight Photography

In 2014, one of my images of bird in flight made to finals in the world's most prestigious wildlife photography competition, Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2014, organized by Natural History Museum and BBC Worldwide.
In 2010, my 5 images of bird in flight were Semi-Finalist in the world's most prestigious wildlife photography competition,Wildlife Photographer of the Year, organized by Natural History Museum and BBC Worldwide.
In 2009, my 2 images of bird in flight were Semi-finalist in the world's most prestigious wildlife photography competition,Wildlife Photographer of the Year, organized by Natural History Museum and BBC Worldwide.
© Sameer Shah
All photographs displayed here are protected by copyright and are for viewing purposes only.
None of the contents or photographs in this site may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from Mr. Sameer Shah.
Contact Mr Sameer Shah. Last updated 1st Feb 2025.